Welcome to SHS Reunion Website!

4th September 2010 was a huge success and we thank each and every one of you for your support! The night was so successful, that we heeded the cries of "more" and "there just wasn't enough time!". So watch this space for...

'Class of '85 Reunion Encore'!

To be held over one weekend in either September, October or November, 2011.

The venue currently being considered is 'Bestbrook Mountain Resort'.

So for those of you who kicked themselves for not coming, well here is your second chance! And remember...you are welcome to attend this event if you were a student of Springwood State High School (Qld) and attended in Yr 10 (1983), Yr 11 (1984), and/or Yr 12 (1985).

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Updated Attendance List

Just click on the above image to see a current list of all those people who are attending/interested, or maybe attending.

The current tally stands at approx. 88 people, including those who have said they are bringing a partner.

If there is an error, could you please let us know. Please note, that these are indications at this stage and aren't definite numbers. Nothing is final until invitations go out and acceptances received.

The list helps us as organisers, book a suitable venue, and also for ex-students, it's interesting to see who is coming along.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reunion Date has been Set!

The first official meeting for the organisers of the SHS Class of 85 Reunion took place recently, to discuss in detail the reunion event.

The date is now confirmed as Saturday, 4th September, 2010.

School holidays don't start until 18th September 2010, and it shouldn't clash with the Brisbane festival either, which starts around the 12th September.

The venue will be advised later as it gets closer to the time when invitations will be sent out. Just make note however, that the venue will be central to Brisbane city, so that for those who are travelling from interstate/overseas, will have lots to choose from in the way of accommodation.

For those of you not on facebook, could you please contact us either via phone, or preferably email to let us know....

a) your interest, i.e. interested in attending, not interested
b) your email address or postal address (preferably email) - so we can contact you and have an address to send out invitations and notifications.
c) if you are bringing a partner or not (or maybe)

The reunion email address you'll find on the RHS of this site.

And lastly, if there is anyone out there who has photographic skills, or equipment, could you please let us know? We have some ideas to make the night a memorable one, but obviously want to keep costs down, so that the ticket prices can be kept affordable. Don't worry, we won't be expecting you to be running around all night taking photos - we want you to have time to enjoy the night. We are most probably looking at some group photos of us...'25 years on'!

Ciao for now...Kerry, Justin & David