Welcome to SHS Reunion Website!

4th September 2010 was a huge success and we thank each and every one of you for your support! The night was so successful, that we heeded the cries of "more" and "there just wasn't enough time!". So watch this space for...

'Class of '85 Reunion Encore'!

To be held over one weekend in either September, October or November, 2011.

The venue currently being considered is 'Bestbrook Mountain Resort'.

So for those of you who kicked themselves for not coming, well here is your second chance! And remember...you are welcome to attend this event if you were a student of Springwood State High School (Qld) and attended in Yr 10 (1983), Yr 11 (1984), and/or Yr 12 (1985).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Year 12 Graduation Handbook

I have now taken a copy of our Graduation handbook, and we will start contacting ex-students from the booklet within a couple of months. Our hope is that we will have minimum of 150 people for our reunion, and the current tally sits at 70 (attending, interested, maybe attending), and does not include partners. Apparently, 60-70% attendance of student numbers is considered a successful reunion, which means between 141 and 165 people attending is a good figure to aim for.

I think it would be a reasonable goal to have contacted the majority of students by around September of this year, and to have a firm date range of either March-May or September-November, finalised by then, so that everyone can decide whether it's possible for them to attend or not.

Posted by K Warnholtz

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